GCSE Tutors

One-to-one tutoring and small groups

GCSE Tuition

Years 10 - 11

As these are the years in which students sit their GCSE exams, they are extremely important. In English, subjects including poetry, persuasive writing, essay writing, grammar, Shakespeare and literary texts by famous writers will be tested. In maths, students will have to cover algebra, statistics, probability, geometry and number.

Our well-qualified tutors can help with all of these topics and explain areas which the student may find hard to understand.

If you feel your child would benefit from some extra help from one of our tutors, please ring Joyce on 01625 858169


Mon - Fri (8 am – 6 pm)
Sat - Sun (10 am – 12 am)


20 Spring Rd,
Poynton, Stockport,
Cheshire, SK12 1YZ

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
8.00 am – 5.00 pm

About Poynton Tutorials

Poynton Tutorials was founded in 2005 by Joyce Beasley, a retired Headteacher, with over 40 years in the teaching profession.

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